
このクリスマスツリーが飾られるとすでにクリスマス・イブへのカウントダウンのはじまり。24日は「クリスマス・イブ」、クリスマスは25日ね、そして26日はプレゼントを開く「Boxing day」と3日にかけてお祝い事が続きます。

国によっては、クリスマスプレゼントをクリスマス・イブの日に交換することもあるようです。特に「Boxing day」は、イギリスが発祥の地であり、大英帝国の歴史の名残がある国ではいまも存在しているんです。

こうした歴史の残る国を通称「Common Wealth Countries」「コモンウェルス」と呼び、ニュージーランド、オーストラリア、インド、ジャマイカ、モーリシャス島、その他があります。

私が働く語学学校の「Kaplan International English Liverpool」(カプランインターナショナル・リバプール校)では、それこそ異なる文化の集合体で、友情も、敬意も、楽しさも分かち合うというかんじ。クラスの中まで祝い事の雰囲気で満たされるし、中には初めてクリスマスを祝う生徒もいたりして、それぞれのお国柄らしいクリスマスストーリーをみなでシェアしたりしてます。


「Happy and it truly is a happy time. Come and visit us! Learn with us!
You are all always more than welcome. Make some merry memories.」



Leyla Christmas at Liverpool


This month, I am going to write to you about Christmas. Christmas is an international, yearly, Christian festival. It is held in the middle of winter. I absolutely love the Christmas feel of the UK and I will tell you a little bit about why. 

At Christmas, families, friends and communities all come together as one and decorate their homes, give each other presents and share a time of peace and love. It is part of our tradition to put decorated Christmas trees up in our homes on the 1st of December. That is when the count down to Christmas begins. Christmas Eve is on the 24th, Christmas Day is on the 25th and Boxing Day is on the 26th of December so it is a three day celebration. We give each other presents on Christmas Day. That is the most exciting day. People in some countries exchange gifts on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day only exists in countries who belonged to the old British Empire because Boxing Day started in England. These countries are called the Common Wealth countries. Such as, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, India, Jamaica, Mauritius and many more. 

In Kaplan, we have many different cultures. It feels like the whole world is sharing a friendly, respectful and fun community. We get to include the festive season into the classroom. For some students, this will be their first time experiencing Christmas. Others have Christmas as part of their culture and want to share their stories. We all reach each other with our stories. It's so nice to be a part of such a wonderful place, especially at Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone. Another way of saying merry is: happy and it truly is a happy time. 

Come and visit us! Learn with us! You are all always more than welcome. Make some merry memories.
