


次に、学生寮についてですが、語学学校のKaplan International English(以下、カプラン)の学生寮は街の中心地に隣接し、近代的な建物であることがほとんどです。カプランはその学生寮から歩いて通学できる距離なんです。そして学生寮の生徒はよくホームステイしている友人を寮に招いたりもしてます。学生寮だと食事や、その他のことも他の学生と一緒にできますね。レストランに行ったり、テイクアウトしたりとか。あと共同キッチンもあるので一緒に料理をすることも楽しめます。とある学生からは、学生寮に食堂があれば良かったのに、という声もありましたが、皆スーパーに行って自分の好みの食材を購入したり、外食するのを楽しんでもいました。



カプラン リバプール校の滞在先オプション



Student accommodation is divided into two. We have Homestay and Student Residence. When I was teaching in Cambridge, I stayed in homestay for 3 months. I loved my family and they made me feel like a part of their home. I had the most delicious home cooked meals and ate some fresh fruit every day. Having the right accommodation is highly important. 

Firstly, homestay is when students stay in a house with a family who speak English together. We ask you questions about you and your eating habits and allergies before we place you into your new family. There you will have a nice breakfast and dinner prepared for you. You can have both meals with your family but you will have to arrange your own food for lunch. If you live with a host family your first and last meals of the day will be about chatting in English. This is excellent practise and you make new life long friends at the same time. 

Secondly, there is Student Residence in a modern building in the middle of the city centre. Kaplan is walking distance to where you live. I think this option is more social but students who live at homestay always get invited there too. Students live together, eat together and do everything together here. They eat out in restaurants or order take outs more from this type of accommodation. There is a shared kitchen where people who enjoy cooking can cook too. I heard one student saying that she wished there way a canteen there but other than that everyone seems to be happy buying their own food from the supermarket or eating out often. 

All in all, you can make your choice about where to live before you get here but sharing a home is an important part of our lives so if you want to change after you arrive, you always can.
