ロンドン・レスタースクエア校で、K+Learning Clubs「会話クラブ」を見学 
a chance to observe K+ Conversation Club at Kaplan London Leicester Square


先日Kaplanロンドン・レスタースクエア校で、K+ Learning Clubs「会話クラブ」を見学する機会がありました。通常授業の補習クラスの位置づけであるK+ Learning Clubsの内容は、「語彙を増やす」「就活対策」「討論」「各国のお茶会」「YouTube Video制作」など、学校や時期によって様々です。到着したばかりで少し緊張気味の生徒の姿もちらほら。以下のK+ Learning Clubsの特徴をもって、先生が彼らをどの様にまとめ上げていくのか興味深々で、教室の隅から見学させてもらいました。

  • 通常授業とは異なる教師が主導
  • 学生の英語レベルがばらばら
  • (今まで交流の無い学生同士の)完全参加型クラス

I happened to have a chance to observe the K+ Conversation Club at Kaplan London Leicester Square. The K+ experience is unique to Kaplan, and supplements our usual classes by focusing on “Vocab Building” “Job Hunt” “Debating” “Creating a YouTube Video”. The Clubs vary depending on the school locations, seasons and demands. In the club, there were some new faces, of those who had recently arrived at Kaplan.
I was very curious as to how the teacher would lead the Club, especially given:

  • Students being led by a different teacher from their usual class
  • Students’ English levels vary
  • All the students need to be actively engaged (and constantly interact with unfamiliar faces)


ブログ記事:カプラン独自の K+ラーニングシステム



The total number of students gathered for the lesson was thirteen, and there were diverse nationalities such as French, Italian, Chinese, Saudi, Japanese, Turkish, Brazilian, Spanish and so on. Leicester Square School is an adult centre targeting 25+ years old so the average age appeared to be the mid to late-30s. Everyone started chatting in a big circle around the tables in the centre of the room. The teacher naturally blended in with the conversation, and this was how the Club started.

Teacher: Have you ever travelled abroad? Other than the UK?
Student 1: Yes!
Teacher: Where did you go?
Student 1: Brazil
Student 2: Really? I’m from Brazil. Which city?

The conversation continued, driven by a loquacious Italian student. The teacher asked the class to be silent and then asked a question.

Teacher: Does anybody remember my very first question?
Student 3: You asked where we travelled.
Teacher: Can you remember the exact sentence I asked?
Student 3: Did you travel abroad…?
Teacher: Did I say “did you” or…?
Student 4: Ah! You said “Have you travelled abroad?”


2.はいという回答 → いつ?どこへ?という次なる質問へ移行


The teacher gave a simple explanation of the tense in English.

1. Have you travelled? – asking your experience within your entire life time (Perfect Past Tense)
2. If the answer is yes -> the next question is When? Where?
3. When did you travel or Where did you travel? – asking about the event at one static point of time (Simple Past Tense)

“Have you been - I am asking you about an experience in your whole life” with the gesture of both arms wide open so the tense is perfect past tense, and then “when did you – I then ask you the point of time” as if picking a small item with a thumb and a pointing finger, simple past tense. Within a mere 15 seconds, everyone in the group could clearly understand the appropriate use of Past Perfect and Simple Past tenses. I wish my English teacher at a junior high school had explained it in this way!



The group was then divided into 2-3 smaller groups and provided with a thread of 5-6 small papers. On each paper, there was a short sentence written:


“You RECEIVE a present. You DON’T LIKE the present”



CONVERSATION IN ENGLISH - 英語で会話 - Part2」でご紹介します



Kaplan International English チャーチル聡子
